~ AC&C 2023 ~

Attention Mixed Harmony Ensembles

Thinking of entering a Harmony, Inc. Area Contest this year?  Here’s what you need to know, and where to find it:

  1. The schedule for the Area Contests can be found on Harmony's website www.harmonyinc.org under the “Events” tab. Each Area lists the dates of the convention, contest entry deadline and the late entry deadline. For Area 2-specific information please contact Area 2 ACJC Christina Tramack at acjc@area2harmony.org.
  2. Your ensemble and all of its members must be registered with the Mixed Barbershop Harmony Association (MBHA) and all dues paid up to date to that organization before registering for an Area Contest. If you, or your ensemble, are not currently members of MBHA please go to their website www.mixedbarbershop.org and check out their registration requirements and procedure.
  3. To enter an Area Contest you must submit an Official Area Contest Entry Form. Complete and submit the approptiate form by clicking on one of the following links:
  4. You must also submit your song selections prior to the contest using the Contestant Song Registration Form, HAR-082, which can be accessed at www.harmonyinc.org/song-registration-form/.
  5. In addition to the non-refundable entry fee, all contestants must purchase a Performing Member All-Events Pass for the Area Convention and Contests. See the Registration Page for details.

Copyright © 2024 Harmony, Inc Area 2